Saturday: It was a decent day. I got up and had breakfast and played. I took a bath and got dressed. Mom and I went to WalMart. People kept stopping us and telling us how cute we were because we were both wearing our jerseys, jeans, and sneakers. After WalMart, I took a nap. Then I had lunch and played some more. Then I took another nap. (I've been a little under the weather this weekend. My nose is trying to run off my face!) When I woke up, it was game time! Let's do this, Gamecocks!

It was not a very fun game. Those Navy Midshipmen were for real. But in the end, my Gamecocks were victorious and all was right with the world.
Except then I started feeling pretty bad and I cried for two and a half hours. Mom was not excited about that. Not at all. I finally just got so exhausted that I had to go to sleep.
Sunday: Another decent day. Not great, just decent. I woke up and had breakfast. I played and watched some tv. Then I took a nap. When I woke up, I took a bath and we went to Grandmom and Granddad's. I had something yummy called "hamburger casserole" for lunch. I also had some squeezy fruit and birthday cake and ice cream. (Grandmom and Aunt Mere's birthday cake.) After lunch, I couldn't seem to get my act together. I kept getting in trouble. Brenna didn't feel like herself either and was taking a nap. I really wanted to play with her and so I kept trying to wake her up. Mom kept telling me to leave her alone. I wouldn't play in my cage. Or take a nap. So Mom said we had to come home. When we got home, Mom and I took a nap. After my nap, I felt better for a little while.
I played for a while and then I had dinner. After dinner, I watched a movie called The Lion King. I really liked the beginning.
I started getting tired and feeling kinda yucky again, so Mom helped me put my pajamas on. I got to wear my new cupcake pajamas!
I guess I'll get to bed now. I'm sure it will be a busy always is!