I've been a really bad blogger. I just haven't had much to say. I pretty much do the same things every day. But today was different! Today was Circus Day!!
Mom and I got up early this morning and got ready. Uncle Corey, Aunt Mere, Colin, and Brenna came to get us and we were off! I got to ride on the light rail train all the way into Charlotte. We got off the train and went to the building where the circus was going to be. I was very excited! We stopped at the circus trailers for a picture!

We waited in line for a little while and then we went inside. The first part was the pre-show. We went down on the circus floor and walked around. I saw a lady spinning in the sky.

Mom and I got aggravated with the pre-show because we are short. Mom kept calling the other people "giant redwoods". There were some seriously tall people at the circus today and we couldn't see over or around any of them. We gave up and went to our seats. From our seats, I got to watch Asia the elephant paint her pretty picture. We also played with our clown noses. It was hilarious!

My Mom looked so silly with a clown nose.

I wouldn't leave my nose on for a picture.

I was pretty excited with the circus finally started. I really liked the elephant that came out at the very beginning!

I got a little scared at first with the flashing lights and the really loud noises, but then I got used to it and loved watching all of the different things. I clapped and clapped after every act!
I saw clowns, big and little horses, acrobats, high-wire artists, and some really strong men. In the middle of the circus, they took a little break. We played with our noses some more. :)

I was pretty excited for the circus to start again.

When it started, there were big tigers in the center ring. There were white ones that were pretty and orange ones that were yucky. But a tiger is a tiger and Annas do not like tigers. See??

Those tigers had me so upset that I just couldn't handle it anymore. I had to take a nap.

Mom says I missed some pretty good stuff, including the elephants. I had been really excited about seeing them.
I slept through the end of the circus and until Mom carried me outside. I woke up when we went outside in the rain. I felt much better.
We went to Moe's for lunch. I had a quesadilla and strawberry Sprite from the fancy Coke machine. It was SO good! Then we went back and got on the train. Our circus adventure was over.
In the car on the way back, Mom showed me my new elephant. Grandmom and Granddad gave me some money to get something at the circus, but since I was asleep, Mom chose for me. I was okay with that. :)
When we got home, I took a really good nap. Then I woke up, had dinner, played, and watched Enchanted.
I had a wonderful day!! :)