Well, when I woke up this morning, it was the day called Easter! Mom took me downstairs and I immediately noticed that the Easter Bunny had come in the night!!

The EB brought a laptop, a book, some puffs, some peeps (they might be for Mom), and an Elmo! I was very excited about Elmo!
The EB is great!!! Woo hoo!!
After I checked out my new stuff and had some breakfast, I got ready for church. We had to go celebrate Jesus because He was dead, but now He's not. Some bad people killed Him, but He got up out of the grave. I didn't understand all that I heard about at church this morning, but Mom said it was okay because I could learn about it when I was older. She just said that it was important that I know that Easter is about Jesus, not the Easter Bunny. She also said it's okay to like the Easter Bunny, too.
After church, we went to Grandmother and Granddaddy's with Grandmom and Granddad. Aunt Mere, Uncle Corey, Colin, Brenna, Granny Kat, Uncle Hoppy, Katie, and Bobby were there too! We went for a walk to Grandmother and Granddaddy's church to take some pictures. I posed with Mom.
Then we took some big group pictures!
When we got back to the house, I got to ride on the swing with Colin and Brenna. That was pretty fun.
After the swing, we went back inside. Aunt Mere and the gang had gotten me an Easter present. It was a Backyardigans DVD! I was so excited!! They got a Sesame Street book for me, too!
After I got my presents, I had lunch. Mom said that because it was a special day, I got to have a special lunch. Today, I ate something called "turkey". Mom said it is a "meat", not a "fruit or a "vegetable". I wasn't sure about it. It felt funny in my mouth. I also had green beans and pudding. :)
After lunch, I watched the solid food eaters eat their lunch. Mom gave me a bite of her roll and a little bit of her cake. Yum! After their lunch, I played for a little while and then I took a long nap.
When I woke up, I had a snack and then I played some more. I played with Grandmother Auten. :) I like it when I get to play with her!
After a little bit of playing, we had to come home. I played for a little while Mom did a few things around the house to get ready for tomorrow. Then Mom made sure she had a good picture of me in my Easter Casual outfit. That's what she called it.
Now I've had dinner and I'm getting ready to head to bed. Unfortunately, Mom says that the thing called Spring Break is over and she has to go back to big AND little work tomorrow. But she says there is good news, too. She says that little work will be over for the summer next week and she only has to go to big work 29 more times before the summer. That sounds ok...
We had a great Spring Break and a wonderful day called Easter!!