I had forgotten how nice it is to sleep in on Saturday!! When I woke up, I had breakfast and then I played while Mom made a cake. When she was finished, we had to go to Michael's to get a box for it. I fell asleep on the way home and I took a good nap.
After my nap, we met Granny Kat, Uncle Hoppy, and Bobby for lunch at Olive Garden. I had something called the "Never Ending Pasta Bowl" for lunch. Well, first I had a breadstick. Then I had "penne alfredo". Then I had some squeezy applesauce. I finished my lunch with a chocolate mint that was very yummy!
Granny Kat, Uncle Hoppy, and Bobby brought me a present from their trip to Disney World. (It was from Katie too, but she couldn't come to lunch because she is away at the thing called college.) They gave me a baby Dumbo and I love him!!

After lunch, we went to Target. Then we came home. I played for a little bit and then Mom and I took a nap together.
When we woke up, I played and had fun. Mom wanted to take a picture of me because she said I looked SO cute today. Mom says that in two Saturdays, we will get to watch the Gamecocks play football!! We are both very excited!! I thought I would practice for football season by wearing a little Gamecock gear! Mom let me wear her necklace because I had my flip flops on. She said that Carolina girls wear flip flops and pearls. Mom is silly.
To get ready for football to start, I practiced clapping with the fight song, saying "Go Gamecocks", and calling plays. Touchdown, Gamecocks!! (I hope I get to use this move a LOT this season!)
After football practice, I had dinner. After dinner, I played and watched Dora and Diego. I think I'll go to bed now. I'm a tired little Gamecock!!
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