Thursday, September 30, 2010
Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!
Today is my Mom's birthday! Yay for Mom!!!! I greeted her this morning with big smiles. :)
And I got all dressed for her birthday. "Mommy's Little Sweetie". Cupcakes, of course!
I made some of my funny faces for her. ;)
She REALLY wanted to stay home and play with me today. But she had to go to big work and she didn't want to get in trouble. So I went to Mrs. Leigh Ann's and she went to big work. She met me at Grandmom's after big work. I told her I had gotten tired of the cupcakes and gotten them dirty. She said that was ok because she had my elephant balloon shirt with her. :) She changed my clothes and I played with her. I told her all about my day and laughed and smiled at her a lot. I don't think she had a very good day at work. She looked tired and a little upset, so I was trying to cheer her up. I think it worked. :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I was so tired last night! I slept from 8:15 until 6:15! Mom woke me up this morning!! But it felt good!! I got ready and took off for the day!
It was a soggy day. Lots of rain. Kinda cool out. I had a pretty good day. Mom had big work and little work, so I was at Grandmom's until she could come get me. Mom came and we came home. It was a pretty routine Wednesday. Nothing exciting to report....
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
We're Running Out of September
It's Tuesday. Mom and I didn't sleep very well last night. Neither one of us could breathe very well. Mom got this thing for my nose. It felt like she was trying to suck my brain out. I asked her to stop. She did. And I could breathe better. Thanks, Mom..I think....
I had a pretty good day. Grandmom brought Brenna and me home to my house. We played here together until our moms got here.
After Aunt Mere and Colin came, Mom and I went to meet Trina and Lisa at that restaurant called the White Horse to celebrate Mom's birthday (a little early). The grown ups had their snacks and I had mine too. I took a little nap there too. They have lots of spaceships on the ceiling there!
After dinner, we came home and got ready for bed. We watched Glee together. That's such a fun show! :)
I had a pretty good day. Grandmom brought Brenna and me home to my house. We played here together until our moms got here.
After dinner, we came home and got ready for bed. We watched Glee together. That's such a fun show! :)
Rainy Days and Mondays
Rain + Monday = General Bummed-out-ness. Not a good day. It was a little chilly out because of the rain, so I got to wear some of my new fall attire.
I just did not feel well today. I had a little bit of a stuffy nose, a little cough, and a big tummy ache. Mom says she'll be glad when I can eat my regular food again. I was just not myself today. I need a hug. Anybody??
I spent the day with Mrs. Leigh Ann and the afternoon with Grandmom and Aunt Mere. Mom had to go to big work and little work. By the time she came to get me, she was exhausted. Mom is kinda sick. She says she'll be fine, that it's just "Back to School Funk". I'm not sure that's an official diagnosis. She says kids have weird germs.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Heartbreak in Alabama
Well, the calendar said Saturday. But Mom had to go to work. :( At least I got to play with Grandmom and Granddad. :) Since it was game day, I wore my garnet. :)
Have you met Cocky? He's my friend. :)
When Mom got back from work and brought me home from Grandmom and Granddad's, I had to take a bath. I got changed into my next game day attire. (This is my surprised face.)

Mom and I took a great nap together and hung out all afternoon. It was great. :) Then it was time to get ready for the game. This was a big one, so I was looking very serious.
The game was pretty good for a while. My Gamecocks were doing a good job, despite all the tough stuff they've had to deal with this week. Mom said it's been a hard week to be a Gamecock. And then it happened. Mom tried to warn me about this. She said that the Gamecocks didn't always have the biggest number at the end of the game. She said that sometimes the Gamecocks lose. I couldn't believe that!! Not MY Gamecocks! She said that it's ok to lose sometimes because it keeps your head from getting too big. She said that sometimes things just don't go your way. She said the important thing to remember is to act like a Gamecock all the time, not just when they're winning. She said that's called being a "fair weather fan" and that she is not raising me that way. She said that a Gamecock is a Gamecock when the score is good and a Gamecock is a Gamecock when the score is bad. Today in Auburn, the score was bad. Those Tigers (patooie!) who cry "War Eagle!" (??? even my Mom can't explain that one to me) had a bigger number at the end of the game. And my Gamecocks looked bummed out. :(
Mom and I took a great nap together and hung out all afternoon. It was great. :) Then it was time to get ready for the game. This was a big one, so I was looking very serious.
This has been a long week. I'm glad it's Friday. I don't have a lot to say...
Mom had to change my clothes three times before she left for work. I had a decent day. I stayed with Mrs. Leigh Ann and then with Grandmom. Grandmom and Granddad brought me home so Mom could get her cakes finished. I went with Mom to that Michael's store again. Then we came home and I went to sleep. Pretty boring day.

Mom had to change my clothes three times before she left for work. I had a decent day. I stayed with Mrs. Leigh Ann and then with Grandmom. Grandmom and Granddad brought me home so Mom could get her cakes finished. I went with Mom to that Michael's store again. Then we came home and I went to sleep. Pretty boring day.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Well, my food is broken. Nobody is supposed to eat my food anymore. They said it on the news. Mom had to give it all back to the store. Something about the people were trying to make me eat bugs. Mom totally freaked. If she hadn't been so upset, it might have been amusing to watch her.
Despite my projectile spit up over the past few days, I am trying to be sunny and cheerful. Look, I'm wearing sunny pants. :)

I never got to meet Granddaddy, but Mom says I'm really good at doing his eyebrow trick. I'm giving the eyebrow to the people that make my food.
Have I mentioned how early I get up in the morning?? Whew. SO early.

What do you mean it's only Thursday?? This has been a very long week!!
I'm trying to keep a smile on my face, even though my tummy is weird.

I had a decent day. I spent the afternoon with Grandmom while Mom baked all of her cakes and did some chores at home. Mom got a lot done and then Grandmom and Granddad brought me home. I was pretty glad to see Mom and she was very glad to see me. She says I'm her favorite part of every day. :)
Despite my projectile spit up over the past few days, I am trying to be sunny and cheerful. Look, I'm wearing sunny pants. :)
I never got to meet Granddaddy, but Mom says I'm really good at doing his eyebrow trick. I'm giving the eyebrow to the people that make my food.
What do you mean it's only Thursday?? This has been a very long week!!
I had a decent day. I spent the afternoon with Grandmom while Mom baked all of her cakes and did some chores at home. Mom got a lot done and then Grandmom and Granddad brought me home. I was pretty glad to see Mom and she was very glad to see me. She says I'm her favorite part of every day. :)
Now I've had my bath and Mom has read my stories to me. I've updated everyone on my day and it's time for bed.
Goodnight moon. (That's what my book says.)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Happy Elephant Appreciation Day!! Mom says that every year on September 22, we're supposed to stop and appreciate elephants for being um...well...big, gray, and elephant-y. Mom thinks elephants are super cool. I've never seen one in real life, but I like the ones in my room. And I like my elephant toys. And I like my elephant clothes. Mom says she'll take me to see a real live elephant one day. She says I'll love it!
So I wore my cute elephant overalls today to show my appreciation to pachyderms. (Aren't you impressed that I know that word?)
Don't tell me you didn't know it was Elephant Day!!
It was an okay day. I went to Mrs. Leigh Ann's. I was pretty good until this afternoon. I kinda spit up all over my elephant suit. You know, to show my appreciation... Mom changed me into a shirt with and elephant on it. I spit up all over that too. Mom didn't even get to make my picture in that one.
So I wore my cute elephant overalls today to show my appreciation to pachyderms. (Aren't you impressed that I know that word?)
We came home from Grandmom's and I took a bath. Then I got to wear my elephant pajamas. :) See??
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
It's Tuesday night. I'm watching a show called Glee. Mom was really excited about it. Now I know why! They randomly burst into song!! These are the people that sing in the car with us!! Woo!! I'm trying to catch up with the characters. I wasn't born yet when the season ended last season. :)
Before now and this fab show, today was ok. I've had some tummy issues today, but I think I've settled down now. Grandmom took me to Mrs. Leigh Ann's. Aunt Mere brought me back to Grandmom's. Mom got to leave big work early!! That made me happy!! Mom and I stayed for dinner. Then it was home for a bath, pajamas, and our Glee party! :)
This was my outfit today. Grandmom loved it!! Look, I posed!
I am such a happy little girl!
Before now and this fab show, today was ok. I've had some tummy issues today, but I think I've settled down now. Grandmom took me to Mrs. Leigh Ann's. Aunt Mere brought me back to Grandmom's. Mom got to leave big work early!! That made me happy!! Mom and I stayed for dinner. Then it was home for a bath, pajamas, and our Glee party! :)
This was my outfit today. Grandmom loved it!! Look, I posed!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Mondays Should Be Illegal
Boo. Mom had to go back to big work today. She was bummed. After a good night's rest, Mom woke me up to get me ready to go.
I smile at Mom a lot in the morning. She needs to store them up for the day.
Haha. Funny face. :)
Ole! Cha cha cha!! (I was practicing for the Dancing With The Stars premiere...)

I had a not-feeling-so-good kind of day. Mrs. Leigh Ann took me to the big new high school so I could go home with Aunt Mere. She took me to Grandmom's to wait for Mom. She came along eventually and I was glad to see her. We came home, I had my bath, and now it's time for bed. I don't know what the point of this day was...
I smile at Mom a lot in the morning. She needs to store them up for the day.
I had a not-feeling-so-good kind of day. Mrs. Leigh Ann took me to the big new high school so I could go home with Aunt Mere. She took me to Grandmom's to wait for Mom. She came along eventually and I was glad to see her. We came home, I had my bath, and now it's time for bed. I don't know what the point of this day was...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Off to Church and Laziness
I didn't feel very well today. I think those shots finally caught up with me. Phooey. But Mom said I was still super cute! We got up and got ready for church. I got to wear this cute dress today. Mom said she was glad I got to wear it before it got too chilly outside. I'm not sure about that means. It always feels pretty warm out there to me...
Mom let me wear my peep toe shoes too. She said they matched my dress really well with their cute little flowers.

I got kinda bored in church and asked Mom to take me out. I needed a snack too. After church, we went to Grandmom and Granddad's house. We stayed there for a long time. I slept a lot. A lot. Mom went to the store while I was sleeping. She got a mirror for me for the car. It sings songs. She said she hoped that would make my rides a little better.
I got kinda bored in church and asked Mom to take me out. I needed a snack too. After church, we went to Grandmom and Granddad's house. We stayed there for a long time. I slept a lot. A lot. Mom went to the store while I was sleeping. She got a mirror for me for the car. It sings songs. She said she hoped that would make my rides a little better.
We came home and Mom got me ready for bed. She said she has to go to big work and little work tomorrow. Ugh. (That's what she says...)
It's game day once again!! Mom and I had a slow morning. I was sleeping. I was still very tired from that dangerous trip to the doctor. Mom had cakes to do, so I thought I'd help her out and just sleep. That made us both feel better.
I took a bath and got dressed. Mom said she had to get me ready to go. Go? Oh right. Mom was going to see the Gamecocks in person instead of on the tv. I didn't know you could do that!! I can't wait til it's my turn to go!! Grandmom came to get me. I went with her to her house and Mom went to the Gamecocks' house. She was excited. :)
I stayed with Grandmom and Granddad and had a good time. We listened to the Gamecocks on the radio. That was harder than watching, because I can't understand everything they say. After the game, Grandmom and Granddad brought me back home. Mom came back after that. She was glad to see me. She said she missed me. She brought me my very own Cocky from the stadium. Yay! :)
Dressed and ready
Got my game face on!
I took a bath and got dressed. Mom said she had to get me ready to go. Go? Oh right. Mom was going to see the Gamecocks in person instead of on the tv. I didn't know you could do that!! I can't wait til it's my turn to go!! Grandmom came to get me. I went with her to her house and Mom went to the Gamecocks' house. She was excited. :)
I stayed with Grandmom and Granddad and had a good time. We listened to the Gamecocks on the radio. That was harder than watching, because I can't understand everything they say. After the game, Grandmom and Granddad brought me back home. Mom came back after that. She was glad to see me. She said she missed me. She brought me my very own Cocky from the stadium. Yay! :)
Dressed and ready
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Meaning of "Shots"
Hi. Mom was so excited that it was the day called Friday. She said she'd had just about enough of big work for the week and she was ready to spend some time with me! We got dressed and she went to big work while I went to Mrs. Leigh Ann's.
I had a good day. Mom came and picked me up and said we had to go see Dr. Shuler. I heard her talking to Mrs. Leigh Ann about being freaked out about it. I didn't know what the problem was. I had seen Dr. Shuler before and it wasn't scary at all.
We got to the doctor's office and they called me for my appointment. I weigh 10 pounds 1 ounce now. Mom said the extra ounce was my hair. :) I'm 22 1/4 inches long. Mom said I'm getting awfully big! Dr. Shuler came in and checked me out. He had this little spaceship on a stick and he was looking through it into my eyes and ears. He had this other little spaceship that he used to do something to my chest. I think he was listening to something because he was really quiet. He checked me all over and he said I was perfect! That's a lot of pressure!! Then they started talking about these "shots". From what I could understand, these "shots" are supposed to keep me safe from things that could make me really sick. I guess that's good. Dr. Shuler left and we waited for a while. I took a little nap. Then, two nice ladies came in with a tray full of pointy things. First they gave me some kind of juice in my mouth. Then they put me back on the table. One lady was holding my leg. Mom was holding my hand and looking worried. The other lady did something and OOOOOOWWWWWW! Oh my goodness! That hurt!!! What in the world?!? That nice lady stabbed me with one of those pointy things!!! Geez! I cried to let them know that it hurt, just in case they weren't aware. Then she did it again! OW!!! I cried one more time. Maybe they didn't understand me the first time. Then they held my other leg. I didn't like where this was going. She stabbed me in my other leg too!! AAAH! I cried again. They must have understood that time, because they didn't do it again. I went to sleep after that. I thought maybe if I was sleeping they would leave me alone!
We went to Grandmom's for a new diaper and some snacks. Then we came back to my house. I went to sleep and slept for a long time. It was a long day. And my legs have these weird things on them...
We got to the doctor's office and they called me for my appointment. I weigh 10 pounds 1 ounce now. Mom said the extra ounce was my hair. :) I'm 22 1/4 inches long. Mom said I'm getting awfully big! Dr. Shuler came in and checked me out. He had this little spaceship on a stick and he was looking through it into my eyes and ears. He had this other little spaceship that he used to do something to my chest. I think he was listening to something because he was really quiet. He checked me all over and he said I was perfect! That's a lot of pressure!! Then they started talking about these "shots". From what I could understand, these "shots" are supposed to keep me safe from things that could make me really sick. I guess that's good. Dr. Shuler left and we waited for a while. I took a little nap. Then, two nice ladies came in with a tray full of pointy things. First they gave me some kind of juice in my mouth. Then they put me back on the table. One lady was holding my leg. Mom was holding my hand and looking worried. The other lady did something and OOOOOOWWWWWW! Oh my goodness! That hurt!!! What in the world?!? That nice lady stabbed me with one of those pointy things!!! Geez! I cried to let them know that it hurt, just in case they weren't aware. Then she did it again! OW!!! I cried one more time. Maybe they didn't understand me the first time. Then they held my other leg. I didn't like where this was going. She stabbed me in my other leg too!! AAAH! I cried again. They must have understood that time, because they didn't do it again. I went to sleep after that. I thought maybe if I was sleeping they would leave me alone!
We went to Grandmom's for a new diaper and some snacks. Then we came back to my house. I went to sleep and slept for a long time. It was a long day. And my legs have these weird things on them...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I fell asleep last night before I could blog!! Oops!! I'll do two days tonight. Sorry, public!! :)
Yesterday was a pretty good day. I went to Mrs. Leigh Ann's while Mom went to big work. Grandmom came and got me and took me to my house. Mom wasn't there. She was at little work. Mom came home and Ms. Patti came over. She wanted to play with me. :) I had a good time talking to her. I think I looked pretty cute yesterday. Mom likes this outfit because of the happy flower on my behind. Haha.

Do you guys know how early we have to get up so Mom can get to big work on time?!? Oh my goodness! The sun isn't even awake yet!! Ugh. I was so sleeeeeeepy!!
I really like this outfit. It's bright and sunny. :)
I had a good day at Mrs. Leigh Ann's. I played with Grandmom after school until Mom came to get me. I was so glad to see her, I passed out! After my nap, we came home and I took another bath in the sink. I was really hungry though, so I didn't enjoy this one as much. I've had my snacks and it's about time for me to hit the hay. Mom is really excited that tomorrow is the day called Friday. She said she's had about as much fun as she can stand....I think that means she's tired. She said that she's nervous about tomorrow though because I have to go to the doctor. I don't know why. I really liked Dr. Shuler. But she keeps whispering this word..."shots"....I don't know what that means.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. I went to Mrs. Leigh Ann's while Mom went to big work. Grandmom came and got me and took me to my house. Mom wasn't there. She was at little work. Mom came home and Ms. Patti came over. She wanted to play with me. :) I had a good time talking to her. I think I looked pretty cute yesterday. Mom likes this outfit because of the happy flower on my behind. Haha.
After Ms. Patti left, I had my snacks and then I slept all night long!!!
Today was a good day too. Mom woke me up and put me in this cute outfit. She really wanted to take my picture. I'm pretty sure I saw those monsters again, though...
Do you guys know how early we have to get up so Mom can get to big work on time?!? Oh my goodness! The sun isn't even awake yet!! Ugh. I was so sleeeeeeepy!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Two Months Old!!!
Wow! It's my monthiversary again!!! I'm two months old today! Yahoo!!!!!
I just cannot imagine how these two months went by so quickly. It seems like I was just born!!
I've learned so much in two months. I've learned to eat like a good girl instead of like a little piggy. I've learned to smile and laugh. I've learned the faces of a lot of the people that I love. I've learned to ride in the car without screaming (with the help of my butterfly and giraffe friends). I've learned about football and that I'm a Gamecock. I've learned that my dog is that fuzzy thing in the floor that passes by sometimes. I've learned to sleep for longer periods of time during the night. I even slept ALL night last night!! I didn't wake up at all!! Oh, and I've learned to wink!! See??
Today was a good day. Mom went back to big work and I went back to Mrs. Leigh Ann's. After school, Aunt Mere picked me up and I went to Grandmom's house to wait for Mom. She has to work an extra long day at big work on the day called Tuesday. I'll have to remember that. Poor Mom. She seemed really mad about that long day today. We came home and I took a bath. Mom put me all the way in the sink tonight instead of just putting me beside the sink. That was way more fun!!! I loved that bath! Mom wanted to take my picture, but said she couldn't hold me in the sink and hold the camera too. She said she needed an extra hand to sprout out of somewhere. I hope that doesn't happen. I think she would look weird...
Things are changing around here. This blog will cover two days. Because of my schedule changes, I'll be blogging about my day at night now, rather than in the morning.
Sunday. Sunday was a pretty good day. I woke up in a great mood. I got a great night's sleep and was so happy to see Mom when I woke up. We played together for a long time.

Mom and I got ready and went to church. She let me wear my Gamecock dress since the boys had done such a wonderful job on Saturday taking care of those puppy dogs.
After church, I went to Grandmom and Granddad's house to spend the afternoon. I played with everyone and took some great naps. Then Mom and I went home to get ready for our busy Monday.
Monday. D Day. Mom was pretty upset about this morning. She explained to me that she had to go to work. She said this would be different from the work I was used to. She called it "big work". She said it meant she would be gone a lot longer. She told me that I was going to be going to Mrs. Leigh Ann's house to spend the day. She told me not to be scared because Brenna would be there, so I would have a friend. Poor Mom. She looked really sad. She said she really wanted to stay home and play with me but that she really had to go back to "big work". I told her it would be ok.
Mom got up really early in the morning and got dressed and then she dressed me. Grandmom came and picked me up. I had to get in my car seat to go away for the day.
Grandmom took me to Mrs. Leigh Ann's house. I had a great day there. Mrs. Leigh Ann took really good care of me. Then, Grandmom came back and I went to Grandmom's house. I spent the afternoon with Grandmom, Aunt Mere, Colin, and Brenna. Then, all of a sudden, Mom came in! Boy, was I glad to see her. It had been a really long time. I think she was really glad to see me too because she kissed me all over and held me tight. She said she really super missed me. We spent some more time and Grandmom and Granddad's house and then we went home.
Even though it was really different, I had a good day. I think I handled all of the changes better than Mom did. Bless her heart...I hope she has a better day tomorrow.
Sunday. Sunday was a pretty good day. I woke up in a great mood. I got a great night's sleep and was so happy to see Mom when I woke up. We played together for a long time.
Mom and I got ready and went to church. She let me wear my Gamecock dress since the boys had done such a wonderful job on Saturday taking care of those puppy dogs.
Monday. D Day. Mom was pretty upset about this morning. She explained to me that she had to go to work. She said this would be different from the work I was used to. She called it "big work". She said it meant she would be gone a lot longer. She told me that I was going to be going to Mrs. Leigh Ann's house to spend the day. She told me not to be scared because Brenna would be there, so I would have a friend. Poor Mom. She looked really sad. She said she really wanted to stay home and play with me but that she really had to go back to "big work". I told her it would be ok.
Mom got up really early in the morning and got dressed and then she dressed me. Grandmom came and picked me up. I had to get in my car seat to go away for the day.
Even though it was really different, I had a good day. I think I handled all of the changes better than Mom did. Bless her heart...I hope she has a better day tomorrow.
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