Game day! Game day! Bless Mom's heart. She gets so excited. She got me up and got me dressed in the new dress she made for me. :)

The Gamecocks make me smile!

Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Kelly, and Brianna came to watch the game with us! Mom said it was a great game. I kinda slept through it. We played those old yucky Georgia Bulldogs and we won! 17-6!! Yay! Go Cocks!
I spent the afternoon playing with everyone and sleeping.

Grandmom and Granddad came by later in the afternoon to say hi. Then it was time to say goodbye to Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Kelly, and Bri. They had to go get ready to get back on their airplane to go back to their faraway houses. I had such a good time with them while they were here! I hope I get to see them again soon!
I spent the rest of the day hanging out, wearing Gamecock casual. I played on the floor for a long time. Check out my jeans!

I went to dinner with Grandmom and Granddad and Mom. It was neat to get to spend the day with all of my grandparents!
It looks like Anna might have gotten her eyebrows from Grandma. I'm so glad they got to come down and visit! She always looks so cute in her Gamecock gear. :)