Whoa. Today was a busy day!!
After Mom and I had breakfast, we got dressed and met Mrs. Chalica at Glencairn Gardens to take my birthday pictures! We had a good time. I changed clothes a lot, smiled, and got to eat cake!! Good times!!
After my pictures, I took a nap. When I woke up, I changed clothes and got ready to go to Aunt Mere's for lunch. Today was a Gamecock Game Day, so I was appropriately attired. :)
Since today was the day called Father's Day, I gave Granddad some extra attention. I also liked the way we matched today. :) I love Granddad.
After lunch and a nap, Mom and I came home. I played for a while. Mrs. Chalica, Mrs. Cathy, Jackson and Emma came over to pick up something Mom forgot to take this morning. They stayed and played for a while. When they left, I decided to take a nap to get ready for the game.
The beginning of the game was terrible. The other team scored four runs at the very beginning. Apparently, they didn't hear me when I said "GO GAMECOCKS!".
When the Gamecocks had their first turn, they scored four runs, too!! I relaxed a little.
Nobody scored for the rest of the game until the very very end. Scott Wingo hit the ball really hard and the Gamecocks scored and won! HOORAY!!!

After all of this, I am exhausted!! Goodnight, moon!!!
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