Saturday was a fun day! Mom and I woke up and played. After we played for a while, I took a nap. When I woke up, we got ready and left. We went to Olive Garden to have lunch with Bobby on his birthday! Hooray for Bobby! I got to have lunch with Uncle Hoppy, Granny Kat, Katie, Bobby, Aunt Mere, Uncle Corey, Colin, Brenna, and Mom. Grandmom stopped by to say hi to Bobby, but she didn't eat because she doesn't like Olive Garden food. More for me!! I loved my lunch!! After lunch (and cupcakes), we went to Target and then to WalMart. When we got home, I took a nap! I was worn out!!
When I woke up, look what Mom had done:

A Cocky pumpkin! I love it. I like to go over and talk to it. Of course, I was so glad it was Game Day. Since my boys were off last week, it's been a long time since I've seen them play. I was all suited up for the big event!

Have I mentioned how much I like Mom's pumpkin??

I enjoyed the football game. My boys were playing the Tennessee Volunteers. I am confused about what they are volunteering to do. They wear orange, so they are already bad in my book!! The Gamecocks looked different without Marcus (who was celebrating his 20th birthday on the sidelines), but they got the job done. 14-3, Gamecocks win! Elmo and I were glad!
(Another fun fact for the day...The orange Tigers lost their game! Annas do NOT like Tigers!)

Sunday was a little bit of a rough day for me. I am growing a lot of new teeth in my mouth. Mom has counted four, but you all know that I do not like her poking around in my personal mouth. My mouth hurts. I didn't really want to eat much at lunch time at Grandmom and Granddad's. I did fight through the pain to eat brownies and ice cream, though. I played the best game of peekaboo ever with Granddad while I was inside my little fence. After that, Mom and I came home and I took a nap.
When I woke up, Mom had carved my Halloween pumpkin. Minnie Mouse! Just like my costume!

After a little while, I got ready and Mom and I left. We went to church for dinner. Lots of people were glad to see me. I had fun and I had some good food.
It was quite cold outside when we left, so I got to wear my monkey hat!! I wore it all the way through WalMart and didn't take it off when we got home. I know I look good!!

I went a little nuts when I got home. I ran all around the room and squealed and climbed on the couch and chased Sadie. Mom said I was a wild woman. I was just excited because the Gamecocks are Number 9 in the BCS rankings this week!
I'm winding down now. It's definitely time for bed. Tomorrow is the day called Halloween!