Hi! I have been having some really fun days at home. I love my house and I'm really happy to be here! Saturday was a good day. Grandmom stayed with us overnight so Mom could get some sleep. She said I was a very good baby all night long. We just chilled out all day, getting used to being together. Grandmom gave me a quick sponge bath. I was not a big fan of that, but I smelled really pretty afterward. Grandmom left for a little while to run some errands, Aunt Meredith came to visit, and then Grandmom and Granddad came back for dinner. Then Aunt Meredith came back to spend the night with us so Mom could get some more rest.
Sunday was another great day! Aunt Meredith, Mom, and I hung out all morning. Grandmom, Granddad, Uncle Corey, Colin, and Brenna came over for lunch. We had fun together. Sometimes all the fun got to be tiring....

Pardon my facial expression, but isn't my outfit cute??

Brenna loves to look at me.

On Sunday night, Granny Kat came to stay with us so Mom could get some more rest. (I don't know what her problem is. I'm starting to think she's lazy.) I had fun playing with Granny Kat.
On Monday, Mom gave me a sponge bath. I handled it a little better this time. Then she put me in this super cute outfit.

I got to try out my swing for the first time today. I really liked it. I hope I get to go for another ride in it again soon!

That swing put me right to sleep.... :)

After my ride in the swing, I had a bit of an accident with my clothes. Time for a wardrobe change!

Aunt Meredith, Colin, and Brenna came to see me. They brought me a Pooh Bear! Grandmom came too. Colin and Brenna's Gramme and Grandpa John came over and brought dinner for everyone. They are so sweet. I enjoyed meeting them. Granddad came after the food was here.
It was another great day here! I'm worn out. Check out my nightgown! Don't I look sassy? (That's what Mom said, anyway...)
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