Thursday, March 31, 2011
That Dog
Thursday. It's still raining. It seems like it's been raining a lot. And it's cold. Still. I think Spring left.
I had a pretty good day at Mrs. Leigh Ann's. Grandmom came to get me and I took a nap. When I woke up, Mom was there. I played for a little bit while she had some dinner and then we came home. I was ready for dinner when we got home. Mom gave me some puffs while she got my food ready. Sadie is suddenly very interested in what I'm eating....
I like Sadie a lot, but she is not getting my snacks!!!
You got it, Sadie??
After I saved my snacks from Sadie, I took a bath and then I played while Mom made a cake. I'm getting tired now, so I think I'll go to bed. I think it will be Friday when I wake up. It's about time...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Puffs
Oh, hey, hump day!
I had a good day, even if it was a long one.
When Mom got me after little work, she had a surprise for me. She said it was a snack. They're called "puffs". I checked it out.
I picked the little puff up to examine it.
Then I ate it!
It was so good! I can't believe I never had puffs before! I was really missing out!
In other news, look how straight my hair is! It dried this way tonight. Weird. Where did my curls go??
I'm off to bed. The weekend is getting closer!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Mom says something was up with the camera this morning. I wasn't really fuzzy...
My day was very long. I stayed at Mrs. Leigh Ann's for a very long time. Mom and Grandmom and Aunt Mere all had to go to something called a funeral. Mom said it was for one of her very first friends. He got to go to Heaven way early. Since everyone that usually picks me up was busy at the funeral, Uncle Corey picked me up and took me to his house. Mom actually had to go back to big work late this afternoon. Her third grade classes had to do a "program". She said they were singing for their parents. Mom was gone for a long time. I played at Aunt Mere and Uncle Corey's until she showed up.
I decided while I waited for her this afternoon that I did not need a nap. I told the nap to go away and leave me alone.
I regretted this decision later.
Mom woke me up long enough to get into my pajamas and eat my dinner. Now that I've told you about my day, I can go to bed. Tomorrow will be another long day. Little work. Boo.
Monday, March 28, 2011
I Lost My Pants
Monday again! Mondays are so long...
I got up and got ready. It's super cold outside. I think outside is confused. I'm almost positive that it's supposed to be warm. Oh well. Fuzzy clothes for me again.
I gave Sadie the stink eye before I left. I just wanted to make sure that she knows that I mean business. She's a good dog.
I had a pretty good day. I stayed with Mrs. Leigh Ann and then I stayed at Grandmom and Granddad's house while Mom was at little work. Same as usual. Mom came to get me after little work. When we came home, I "crawled" right out of my pants. Mom says I don't crawl like I'm supposed to. She says I drag myself along. Whatever. I get where I want to go.
I'd better start thinking about going to bed. I think Mom is sleepy...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
My Block
That's my block. I didn't go anywhere without it today. It makes funny crinkly sounds and is fun to chew on. :)
I had a decent day. It was very cloudy and cold today. I'm pretty sure I blogged not too long ago about it being Spring and Spring meaning that it was going to be warm and sunny and nice. I think the weather is confused. Look at me! I had to wear fuzzy clothes again today!!
After we played together this morning, Mom and I went to Grandmom and Granddad's. I had some squash and the people with lots of teeth ate lunch. I took a SUPER long nap this afternoon on Mom's lap. It was great. I didn't wake up coughing at all because Mom was holding me. I've been feeling a little bit better today, but I have a yucky cough. Boo.
After we came home, we watched those Miserable people again for a little while. I like the pretty singing.
Mom says we have a busy week this week, so I guess I'd better get some rest. Another weekend has flown by....
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Well, today was not the Saturday I had hoped for. I woke up at around 7:30 for breakfast. After breakfast, I played for a little bit while Mom finished Peyton's cake. (She got up really early. She said 4:30! Eep!!) When the cake was finished, we hopped in the car to deliver the two cakes from yesterday. We stopped by Chick-Fil-A to get Mom a well-deserved breakfast and then we headed back home. I played for a while, Peyton's uncle came to get his cake, and then i took a nap.
I have not felt very well today. My nose is doing weird things and I have a bad cough. I usually like to play in my big toy and in the floor, but I didn't want to do those things today. I just wanted to sit with Mom. So we sat a lot.
At lunch time, I had a new food! Squash. Mom said that most people consider it to be a vegetable, but that it is technically a fruit because it comes from a flower and contains seeds. Um. Ok, Mom. My squash didn't have any seeds. I guess they take those out for babies.
I like the squash fruit/vegetable/food. It was yummy!!
It made me silly. :)
After lunch, I took a little nap. For the record, I wore my pajamas all day long. It was cold and rainy outside, we weren't going anywhere, and I didn't feel like myself, so Mom didn't make me wear clothes.
After my nap, I still didn't want to play. I just wanted to sit with Mom. So we read. I read the Cookie Mouse book to Mom. She loves that story, too!
I'm kinda bummed about my Saturday. I don't like feeling like this, but I can't help it. Sometimes all you can do is rest your head and watch Elmo.
Mom says the rain that has been falling all day is washing away the pollen. I hope so. I'd like to get back to normal as soon as possible!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Friday! Woot!!
Friday FINALLY came! Listen, Friday, I'm gonna need you not to take such a long time next week. You're getting very slow and I don't like it!!
I was feeling a little better this morning. My nose was stuffy, but my eye was better. And my pants had a heart on them. See it?
I had a pretty good day. Grandmom took me to Mrs. Leigh Ann's. Mrs. Leigh Ann dropped me off at Grandmom and Granddad's. I stayed with Grandmom and Granddad for a while. Mom had a pretty bad day today and needed some time to get some work done, so I played with Grandmom and Granddad. They brought me home after my nap. They stayed with us for dinner. Mom was SUPER glad to see me when I got home. Bless her heart. I played while they ate and then it was my turn. I had dinner, got my jammies on, and I'm ready for bed!
I hope Mom and I have a good, restful weekend. I think it's supposed to be rainy, so maybe we can take naps. Naps are good!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Thing Called Pollen
I didn't sleep well last night. We had some very loud storms and I woke up a few times. I don't like that.
Still, I tried to put on a happy face and get my day started.
I didn't have a very good day today. As the day went on, I started feeling kinda bad. My eye is itchy and watery and my nose is runny. Mom says it's because of something called pollen. Apparently, when the weather gets nice and pretty in the spring and all of the plants turn green and the flowers start to bloom, they also spit out this pollen stuff. It gets everywhere and it sneaks onto you when you go outside. Then it gets into your eyes and nose and makes you feel yucky. Even though pollen and I just met, I'm certain I don't like it.
(Did you like that word, Aunt Mere??)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Over the Hump!
It's still not Friday. Seriously.
But we're getting closer! Hooray!!
I had a good day today. Pretty typical. Grandmom took me to Mrs. Leigh Ann's. I did my day thing. Aunt Mere took me to Grandmom and Granddad's. I waited there for Mom while she was at little work (again). Mom came and got me and brought me home. We randomly threw in some cake baking for good measure. I had a bath and dinner. Mom and I read more stories than usual tonight. I really like the one about Cookie Mouse. That little guy is very needy if you give him a cookie. :) That story makes me laugh!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Wildly Adorable
Well, I wasn't ready for my pictures this morning...I still had my bib on.
I had a pretty good day today. Grandmom took me to Mrs. Leigh Ann's. I got to have lunch again. (More sweet potatoes.) Aunt Mere picked me up and took me to Grandmom and Granddad's. I waited and waited for Mom. It was her long day at big work, so she was gone for a long time. She didn't have a good day today, so she was upset when she finally came home. I gave her a hug, a smile, and a snuggle and she said she felt better. I'm good like that.
Tomorrow is Hump Day! We'll be closer to the weekend!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Monday found me. It always does. I tried to greet it with a smile.
I had a good day, even though it was a Monday. I had a good day at Mrs. Leigh Ann's. I got to eat more of those sweet potato things for lunch! Aunt Mere picked me up and I went to Grandmom and Granddad's house to play while Mom was at little work. After Mom came and got me, we came home and got ready for bed. Typical Monday schedule.
I am off to bed now. I'm ready to see what will happen on Tuesday!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Big News!!
This was a pretty major day! Mom and I got up and played for a while. I took a nap while Mom got ready. Then I got ready, too.
After my bath and getting dressed, we were off to Grandmom and Granddad's!
Grandmom and Granddad were in the yard when we got there. Grandmom said that Granddad was cooking lunch. Outside?? I had never heard of this. Apparently, when it's not so cold, people like to cook in the yard on something called a grill. Very peculiar. The people with lots of teeth ate lunch. Then something different happened. I had lunch too!! What?!? I got to eat something called a "vegetable". These vegetables were called "sweet potatoes".
I made this funny face, but I really liked them!!
I really enjoyed my lunch and I hope it is something that will continue! After lunch, I took a long nap. When I woke up, I wanted to play. Colin was in the floor, so I went over to see what he was doing.
He was playing something called a "Nintendo". I wanted to play too. He talked to me and let me look at what he was doing. :)
After I played for a while, Mom and I came home. I needed a nap, so I had some juice and went to sleep. While I was sleeping, it magically became the season called "Spring". Mom said that even though it hadn't really felt like "Winter" lately, the season didn't officially change until tonight. Some science stuff. Anyway, when I woke up, something else was strange about my day. When I woke up, I was way down low and I couldn't see out over the top of my downstairs bed. Apparently, Mom moved it down because she said I was getting too adventurous. Hrm.
Once I was freed, Mom put my jammies on and let me play. I think I've figured out how to sit up like the bigger people do! Check me out!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Busy, Busy, Busy!!!
What a busy day! I would like an extra Saturday, please!!!
Mom and I woke up early. I was ready to play and she needed to get her cakes done. I played happily in my big toy for a while so she could work. I called her after a little bit and she came and gave me a snack. After that, I took a nap. She kept working. I woke up and played some more while she was still working. After she finished, I watched Sesame Street while she got clean. Then I took a bath and got dressed.
After my bath, Mrs. Amber and Larsen came to get Larsen's birthday cake. She had a princess cake. She liked it. I talked to her and Mrs. Amber for a little while. Then I had a snack and a nap.
When I woke up from my nap, I was at a party!! It was very confusing!! I went to sleep at home with Mom and woke up somewhere new with a lot of people!! Mom and I went to a party for Aunt Krystle and my new friend that hasn't made it to the outside yet. He'll be here the month called May, I think. I had a good time at the party! I liked playing with all the ladies!
After the party, we went to Grandmom and Granddad's. We had to do our laundry because our washing machine is sick. Granddad was sitting outside on the deck, so Mom put out our big outside blanket and let me play outside since it was a very nice day. We went to dinner with Grandmom and Granddad too. They had dinner. I had piggies...
That is the only picture of me today. As you can tell, we were very, very busy all day long. I'm going to bed now. I'm very tired. I wonder who I should talk to about getting that extra Saturday....
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Field Trip
Finally Friday! Hooray!!! I was ready to get it started so I could get home and get my weekend going!! It was going to be a very warm day, so Mom let me wear short sleeves. Aunt Mere got this shirt for me. :)
I had a great day at Mrs. Leigh Ann's. We even went on a field trip to the park! A park is a place where you can play that is not your back yard. Mrs. Leigh Ann let me sit in the swing!
And I chilled in my seat. :) Mrs. Leigh Ann sent these pictures to Mom while she was a big work. Mom said she was a little sad when she got them, because she was trapped inside with other people's children on this beautiful day. I had a great time, though.
Mom picked me up from Mrs. Leigh Ann's this afternoon. We had to stop by the WalMart store to get two boxes of cake mix. Then we came home. I had a snack and then I played in my big toy while Mom baked two cakes. When she was finished, she brought me something new. She said it was a "cup". She gave it to me to figure out. I knew it had apple juice in it. I could taste it. I just didn't know how to get it.
I eventually gave up on the cup. I had a great time chewing on it, though!
I think it's about time for bed. I've got a busy morning tomorrow. Mom and I have cakes to decorate!! I'm so glad the weekend is here!!
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