This was a pretty major day! Mom and I got up and played for a while. I took a nap while Mom got ready. Then I got ready, too.
After my bath and getting dressed, we were off to Grandmom and Granddad's!
Grandmom and Granddad were in the yard when we got there. Grandmom said that Granddad was cooking lunch. Outside?? I had never heard of this. Apparently, when it's not so cold, people like to cook in the yard on something called a grill. Very peculiar. The people with lots of teeth ate lunch. Then something different happened. I had lunch too!! What?!? I got to eat something called a "vegetable". These vegetables were called "sweet potatoes".
I made this funny face, but I really liked them!!
I really enjoyed my lunch and I hope it is something that will continue! After lunch, I took a long nap. When I woke up, I wanted to play. Colin was in the floor, so I went over to see what he was doing.
He was playing something called a "Nintendo". I wanted to play too. He talked to me and let me look at what he was doing. :)
After I played for a while, Mom and I came home. I needed a nap, so I had some juice and went to sleep. While I was sleeping, it magically became the season called "Spring". Mom said that even though it hadn't really felt like "Winter" lately, the season didn't officially change until tonight. Some science stuff. Anyway, when I woke up, something else was strange about my day. When I woke up, I was way down low and I couldn't see out over the top of my downstairs bed. Apparently, Mom moved it down because she said I was getting too adventurous. Hrm.
Once I was freed, Mom put my jammies on and let me play. I think I've figured out how to sit up like the bigger people do! Check me out!
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