Wow! What a weekend!! It went by so fast!! Here's what was up:
Saturday. Oh, how I love Saturday! Mom and I got up early. I had a snack and Mom made a cake. Then we got ready for an adventure. Like my shirt? "Cupcakes are the new black". Mom says it's funny. :)

The adventure was a shopping adventure. Grandmom came and got us. We went to the place called Babies R Us. I got a new car seat! Mom said that soon I will be too big for mine and that I needed to get a new one. Hm. She also got some kind of gate. Something to keep me from going places that I might want to go. Double hm. We went to the place called Kohl's. I got the Llama Llama Red Pajama book and the Llama Llama Misses Mama book. Yay! After a few more quick stops, we headed home. I fell asleep. After my nap, I had lunch and then I left with Grandmom. Grandmom took me home with her because Mom was going with Jill and some other friends to see Mr. Glenn and his friends play their instruments and sing. Mom hadn't seen Jill in a long time and she very rarely goes anywhere without me (unless it's work), so I gave her permission to go. Besides, I got to play with Grandmom and Granddad!!!
Grandmom and I stopped at Aunt Mere's house on the way home. Brenna was sleeping, so I got to sneak some rides on her toys! The Dora toy...
And the giraffe! So much fun!! (Mom said she will get out my ride-on elephant soon.) :)
After my rides, we went to Grandmom and Granddad's house. I played, had a nap, played, ate my dinner and went to sleep. I got to spend the night with Grandmom and Granddad!! I couldn't blog last night because I don't know how Grandmom's computer works....
Saturday was a great day and I'm glad Mom got to have some fun with her friends! :)
Today was Sunday. Another busy day! Mom came to get me very early this morning! I was glad to see her!! She brought me home and I took a nap. After my nap, I got ready for the day.
It was very hot today, so I dressed for summer!
When I was ready, we left to go back to Grandmom and Granddad's for the solid food eaters' lunch. Mom tried to get me to wear my sunglasses, but I didn't really want to... (But look at my new pink sandals!!)
At Grandmom and Granddad's, I played with Brenna. She is my BFF. :)
She loves me. :) I love her, too!

I had a yummy lunch (turkey and rice and a little bit of ice cream). I took a very long nap (with Mom). I watched a neat movie called Guys and Dolls. When Mom and I came home, I took another little nap and then I played while Mom made a cake. I think she forgot what time it was. I had to remind her with "Mom Mom Mom (you have to get her attention), nom nom nom (that's how I tell her I'm hungry), nigh nigh nigh (that's how I tell her I'm getting sleepy)". She got the message. She got me ready for bed and got my dinner. Now that I've had my dinner, I'm ready for bed!!
It was a great weekend! Mom says that tomorrow is the last Monday of big work for the year! Woo hoo!!! (Annas do not like Mondays!)