Hrm. I came to blog all about my day today and yesterday's blog was gone!! Where did it go?!? Perhaps it didn't post correctly. I guess I'll tell you all about it again. Sigh.
Yesterday was a great Saturday! Mom didn't have to make any cakes, so we got to have fun all day long! Mom and I got dressed kind of early and left on an adventure.
We went to Aunt Mere's and got Aunt Mere and Brenna. Then we went on a shopping adventure! We went to the store called Old Navy and the store called Super Target. I got some new bathing suits and a swim coverup. I don't really know what bathing suits are for. I don't wear anything when I take a bath....
I had fun shopping with Mom, Aunt Mere, and Brenna. When we came home, I played and played for the rest of the day! (I took a few naps, too.) Mom gave me this new ball to play with.

Saturday was a great day. Today was even better. Mom was kinda slack with the camera, though. Mom and I went to Grandmom and Granddad's for lunch. The big people ate and then I ate. I took a little nap. Then I played with Cookie Monster. He makes me laugh. :)
He sings and talks and plays the trumpet. :)
After I played for a while, Mom and I left. We came home for just a minute and then we left again to go to something called a "cookout". Hm. We went right down the street to Geri and Ashley's new house. I got to see lots of people. Jill, Chris, Geri, Ashley, Liz, Shelby, Grace, Carol, Ed (looks like the Santa Man!!), Tim, Carolyn, and Alice (Mom kept calling her "Beezer"). I had fun playing with everyone. Ashley was cooking food outside like I have seen Granddad do before. Apparently that's what "cookout" means. The big people ate. I played with a thing called a "cat". Her name is Spook. She was gray and fluffy and she let me touch her. She was very soft. Mom said that if she had a favorite cat, not being a cat person, it would be Spook because she acts like a dog. She didn't act like my dog. She didn't run away from me!! I had a really good time, but I got very tired, so Mom and I came home.
Now it's time for bed. No big work tomorrow! Tomorrow is the day called Memorial Day. I wonder what adventures we will have...
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