It was cloudy and rain-ish all day. Apparently, that makes me sleepy. See, look.

I spent most of the day just like that, waking up occasionally for a snack.
Later in the evening, Leigh Ann, Lauren, and Salleigh came to visit. I'm going to be staying with Mrs. Leigh Ann when Mom goes back to work. (There's that "work" thing again.) Brenna stays with Mrs. Leigh Ann too, so I'll already have a friend there!

After they left, I had a little tummy ache. Grandmom came to see me. She hadn't seen me in two days. I think she missed me.
After Grandmom left, Mom and I settled in for story time. We read a story called Green Eggs and Ham. It was pretty funny. This one dude wanted this other dude to eat this gross looking food. I don't blame the other guy for not wanting to eat it. And he wanted him to eat it in goofy places too. Like in a tree and with a goat. I know I'm new to the world and all, but I don't think that's how you're supposed to eat. I thought the story was pretty funny though.

"Sam-I-Am, seriously. The guy does not want your weird eggs and ham. He doesn't want it anywhere. I get it. Why don't you?!?"

Very interesting book indeed.

After that story, we read one about an elephant that sat on a bird's egg. That was a good story too. After that, we read one called Goodnight, Moon. I fell asleep during that one. Mom is a good reader. :)