Tuesday was kinda boring. Mom and I hung around the house. She thought we were going to go somewhere, but we didn't. Grandmom came. Aunt Meredith, Colin, and Brenna came for a little bit. I had flamingos on my clothes. See?
Another day at home. Today was a little more interesting because Colin and Brenna came to stay with us. Aunt Meredith had to go to a school thing and Grandmom was getting her "hairs did". (That's what Mom said.) So Colin and Brenna came to hang out with us. I like playing with them. :) Mom made me wear a dress today. I liked it, I guess. It had butterflies.
This is my "what are you lookin' at?" face.
OMG. Thursday. What a day! We were so busy. First, we went to Mom's school. It was a pretty big place compared to what I'm used to. I met LOTS of new people. Lots of ladies came up to my stroller and said "Look at all that hair!" Um, my name is Anna, people! And I am fully aware that I have a lot of hair for a fairly new person! Anyway, I met a lot of new people and was a good girl so Mom could get a few things done in her classroom. After we left her school, I had to go to the doctor. Dr. Shuler wanted me to have my weight and stuff checked. I was a very good girl at the doctor's office too. The nice lady said I weigh 7 pounds and 15 ounces now. And I'm still 21 inches tall. She said I was doing a good job growing. After the doctor, we went to see Grandmom, but she wasn't home. We drove to a place Mom called City Hall to see Aunt Nelle, but she wasn't working. So we went back to Grandmom and Granddad's house and Grandmom showed up. She had forgotten her phone at her school, so we took her there to get it. I met some more new people. They were really nice. When we left Grandmom's school, we went to Aunt Nelle's house to see her. She introduced me to MG the bear. I liked talking to him. I also got to meet Mom's cousin Derek. He lives in Maryland. Mom said that's kinda far away from here. It was nice to meet him. We had a very very busy day!!

Friday was another action packed day! We had lunch at a place called The White Horse with Patti. I got to meet Patti's husband Mr. Mike. We also saw Mom's friend Alice, who she referred to as "Beezer." That was a little confusing, but it was nice to meet her just the same. On the way home we stopped at a place called the bank. That was weird. We weren't there long, but the lady was nice. We came home for a bit so I could have a snack and a nap. Then I made my first trip to a store called Michael's. There were lots of crafty looking things there. Then, (and Mom made a big deal out of this), I made my first trip to a store called Target. Mom bought some stuff there. It was a cool place, I guess. When we came home, I helped Mom bake some cakes for some people. She said I was a good helper. Kinda. Grandmom came over Friday night and played with me while Mom did some work in the kitchen. That was good. Mom needed to get that stuff done. See how cute I looked all day Friday?? I didn't ruin my clothes all day!
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