(Side notes regarding this day: #1: I am eating my new food now. I have been a bit out of sorts today, but I tried not to let it ruin the game. #2: Mom had a ticket to go see the Gamecocks play the Crimson Tide. She chose to stay home and spend the day with me. She SUPER loves me.)
Since it was game day, I got dressed in my gear. Mom had banished all of my elephant friends, so I played with my Gamecock bear. :)
Wait, what? The Gamecocks are in the lead?!?
The Gamecocks kept the lead. They were playing great. I was very proud. Alabama was making some mistakes too. Their kicky guy missed a field goal and an extra point. He's definitely no Spencer! Haha!
The second half was a little bit scary. Alabama was able to score some points. The Gamecocks stayed tough though and they fought back. That's what I like to see!
The game was coming to an end. The Gamecocks were still in the lead. They had a bigger number on their side. And then, just like that, it was over. My Gamecocks had won. 35-21. They defeated the best team in the country. The defending National Champions. (Mom told me they won the Championship last year...that was before I was born.) The men on tv said that Alabama had won their last 19 games. I guess the Gamecocks thought that 20 would be too many.
The Gamecocks were leading at the half, 21-9. Mom said that since it was halftime, the Gamecocks would be gone for a little while because they had to rest.
The Gamecocks got the ball to start the second half. Stephen Garcia made a big mistake. Mom said it was called a "safety". Alabama got 2 points. They didn't even do anything to deserve them. I didn't like that.
This was a HUGE win for my Gamecocks. I still can't believe it!!
Now that the game was over, I could relax. Put my feet up. Chill out. Do you like my pumpkin footrest? Mom painted it for me. :)
We thought about you and your Gamecocks today when the game started, Miss Anna! So glad it went your way. We love reading your blog. Love from Aunt Mere's Furman friend, Ashleigh