Yay! Fun day! Mom did not go to big work today, so we got to play all day long!
We met Uncle Corey, Aunt Mere, Colin, and Brenna for a mini-adventure. We headed off to The Peach Tree to visit the pumpkin patch.
When we got there, Mr. Ben came out to talk to me. Mom told me that he owns The Peach Tree. He asked me if I was excited about my first Halloween. Then he stepped inside and came back out with a tiny pumpkin for me!
After I told Mr. Ben thank you, Mom and I walked over to the pumpkin patch. I had never seen that many pumpkins before!
Mom took lots of pictures of me. It was a little tricky since I don't know how to sit up by myself!

She took lots and lots of pictures...

Then I got to put on my Halloween costume for the first time! Check me out! I'm Wonder Woman! Mom bought my costume, but then she made a tiara and Amazonium bracelets for me. She said that no self-respecting Wonder Woman would dare go out without her bling. :)

Brenna is Alice in Wonderland this year. I really liked her costume! Colin is a Jedi, but he was off playing in the hay maze and playing the pumpkin games, so I didn't get to take his picture!

I did get to have my picture made with Mom. Thanks, Aunt Mere!

Mom was playing with me in the pumpkin patch. She was making me fly. I gently reminded her that Wonder Woman does not fly unless she is in her invisible plane.

Before we left the pumpkin patch, Mom let me pick out my very own big pumpkin. She said that we might carve it tomorrow. I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds like another fun activity to do with Mom!
We came home and took a nap together. It was a good nap!
When I woke up, I played with Mom some more. And then, wouldn't ya know it, my hands showed up!!! I just do not know what to think about those things!

We played together and I watched Baby Beethoven while Mom did some dishes. Then we went to the big store called Wal-Mart. That was weird. There was too much going on there. I'm not sure I blinked the whole time. While we were picking up a present for Baby Savanah (who has not started her life on the outside yet), Mom found this cool new toy for me. It has Mirror Baby in it!! I love that girl!! She rides in the car with me too! And sometimes I see her in the bathroom before or after I take my bath! I like talking to her!

I really like this new toy. I played with it for a long time. Mom said it would be good for my tummy time. :)

I had such a great day with Mom. I could tell she loved spending the day with me too. She didn't seem stressed out or busy at all. She was relaxed and happy. :)
I wonder what kind of adventures we'll have tomorrow...We have two more days of weekend left!!! Woohoo!!! :)
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