Oh, Tuesday. It was a decent day. I was dressed in purple from head to toe. After I went to Mrs. Leigh Ann's, I got to go to Grandmom's school. I met lots of new people. I can't remember everybody's names and Mom wasn't with me, so she can't help. It was fun, though.

Now I'd like to take a little time out for a public service announcement. I'd like to share some information about what to do when an elephant attacks.
It's no secret that Mom and I love elephants. We think they're great. But sometimes they forget how to behave and you have to remind them.
This morning, for example, I was minding my own business when Elly came sneaking over.

Before I knew what was happening, she was on top of me! I wasn't ready for that!

If an elephant climbs on top of you, you should always try to hug them. Elephants love hugs and are more likely to cooperate if they're happy.
Sometimes, a little hug doesn't work and you have to give them a super hug. Be careful not to get squished when you do this.

After a really big hug and being asked nicely, your elephant should start to calm down and back away.

Give them one more little hug and remind them that you love them and that they don't have to pounce on you to get attention.

Victory is mine!

I hope this information will help you in the event that one of your elephants loses control!
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