Well, we made it to Wednesday! I was all ready to face the day!

I'm ready for anything with my flamingo pal!!

I spent the day at Mrs. Leigh Ann's as usual. I had a great day. Mom didn't. Early this morning, one of the round shoes on our car decided not to be round anymore. It thought that round on the top, flat on the bottom was a better shape. Mom said she wasn't happy about that at all. Then some weird stuff happened that made Mom grouchy and kept her from being able to take care of the now oddly-shaped car shoe. Because of that, Grandmom ended up leaving work and going to do stuff with our car. It was kind of confusing to me.
Since Grandmom wasn't at work and was doing stuff with our car, I went home with Aunt Mere and Brenna. That was great! I had so much fun playing at her house! I got to play with Aunt Mere, Colin, and Brenna! Brenna wanted to hold me. :)

I got to chill out and watch tv with Uncle Corey too!

Eventually, Grandmom got finished messing with our car and came to get me. We met Mom at my house after she got out of little work. I was glad to see Mom. We played and played. I showed her my feet. I still love those things! See 'em??

After a bath and a bottle, it's time for bed. I had a great day. Mom didn't. But she said it was all better when she got to come home to me. :)
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