Today was different. Mom didn't go to big work. We got up a little later than usual and then Mom took me to Mrs. Leigh Ann's. Mom went to see a doctor about her sickness. She got some medicine. I hope she feels better soon!

Mom came to get me at Mrs. Leigh Ann's this afternoon. Then we went to see Grandmom and Granddad.
When we came home, I watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

Mom says that the day called Thanksgiving is next week. She said they always show Charlie Brown right before the day comes. I really liked the dog called Snoopy. Mom says that Snoopy is her favorite too. I learned a lot about the day called Thanksgiving. I learned about the Pilgrims at Plymouth. I learned that a lot of them got really sick and that there weren't as many of them as there were before. I learned that the guy in charge of the Pilgrims was named Miles Standish. I learned that two Native Americans helped the Pilgrims with their gardens when they planted fish with their corn. I think they said they were called Samoset and Squanto. (I'm glad Mom didn't name me that!!) And I learned that when the Pilgrims gathered up the food from their gardens, the Native Americans came and they all had a party to give thanks to God for their food and their homes and their new friends. That is why we have the day called Thanksgiving. I think. I'm just a baby, after all. I was trying to pay very close attention.

Oh, and I learned that Lucy always moves the football and Charlie Brown falls down.
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