Mom didn't go to big work again today. We had a pretty calm morning. Just snacks and naps and cake baking. Then Mom packed me up and took me to see Dr. Shuler. It was time for my four-month checkup. Nurse Brandi checked me out. I weigh 11 pounds and 11 ounces now and I'm two feet tall! (They wrote down 24 inches, but I know that's two feet!) Dr. Shuler came in and checked me out. He put the little spaceship thingy on my chest to listen to my insides. He put a little light in my eyes and in my ears. He did some other stuff with my head and my legs. He said I was very alert, very strong, and very pretty. :) Then he said I had to hang out on this table for a few minutes.

They came in and said something about "only two this time". Oh no.... I did not like the sound of that.

Then Nurse Brandi came back in with the tray. I had seen that thing before. And Nurse Patty was with her. Oh no. I recognized this dance. First, Nurse Brandi gave me some juice in my mouth. Oh, ok. Maybe we're just gonna have a drink. But then Mom put me on the table and held my hands. Nurse Patty held my legs. And then Nurse Brandi stabbed me in the leg! OUCH! I cried, but just a little. Then, just like last time, she stabbed me in my other leg. I cried a little more. But then I was all done. I smiled and talked to the nurses to let them know I forgave them for the stabbings. :)
After the doctor, we picked Brenna up from Mrs. Leigh Ann's and brought her back to our house. Aunt Mere and Colin were getting haircuts. I played with Brenna while Mom did some weird stuff. Aunt Mere and Colin came. Mrs. Tracey came too. I played with her.
As Aunt Mere was leaving, I noticed the weirdest thing. There is a TREE in my HOUSE! WHAT?!?

Mom says we have a tree in the house because it is almost time for the day called Christmas. I find this unusual, but the tree is pretty. It has lots of sparkly lights and pretty colors.

There are lots of things on it for me to look at. And Mom says she's not finished with it yet. I think it is wonderful so far.

I think I am going to love the day called Christmas and all the things that go with it. :)
I think I love the last picture the most! :)