This was a busy day. I slept very well last night except for the coughing. I tried not to let that wake me up, though.
This morning, Mom was very busy with cakes. I played with my toys so she could work. When she got the first cake finished, we had to take it for a ride. I went in my pajamas. After we gave the nice people their cake, we went to WalMart. Boo.
When we got home, Mom went back to work on more cakes. I took a little nap and then I played with my toys some more.
I had a new experience today. It was called "juice". Mom said that because I'm kind of sick, she thought I should have some of this "juice". She said that more "fluids" would help me feel better. I thought she was giving me a bottle, but I was in for a big surprise! Mom said the "juice" was apple juice. I thought that apples went into "sauce". I guess apples are good for lots of things. The "juice" was very yummy. I enjoyed it a great deal. :)
Later in the afternoon, I took a bath and got dressed. Grandmom and Granddad came and Mom and I got into their van. We went to a really big church close to my house. There were LOTS of people there. Here's why:
Back when the month was October, a little baby was born. Her name is Nora Grace. Her mom and my mom have been friends forever. Little Nora Grace had a little bit of trouble reading her calendar and she came to the outside before she was supposed to. Her trip to the outside was not scheduled until December. (I can see how she got confused. It can get pretty dark in there.) Nora Grace was really little when she made it to the outside. She had to stay in the hospital for a long time. She didn't get to come home fast like I did. She stayed and stayed and had lots of days when she didn't feel good. Finally, she got to come home on the day called Thanksgiving. Since then, she's been growing and getting stronger. Mom says she even weighs more than me! Tonight, lots of people came to that big church to help Mr. Jason (who is sometimes called Sammy), Mrs. Jessica, Nora Grace, and her big brother, Landon. All the people came to show them that we love them and that they are special. At the church, the people with more than one tooth ate food. We ate (well, they did) with Mrs. Carol. She is a very good friend of Grandmom's. I played with her. :)

After dinner, we went to another part of the church. We were in there for a long time. There were lots of people singing songs and playing instruments and talking. They did that for a long time. A really long time. I liked some of it a lot. Other times, I was hungry or sleepy and did not enjoy it quite as much. Finally, it was over and it was time to go home.
I'm very tired after this long day, so I am going to bed.
I think Nora Grace and I could be very good friends. Like our moms. :)