Mom and I woke up awfully early this morning for it to be a Saturday morning! Mom got dressed right away and gave me a bath and made me get dressed right away too. She said she had a surprise for me. She said we were going on a surprise adventure.
Before long, Aunt Mere showed up with Uncle Corey, Colin, and Brenna! They were the leaders of the adventure! Mom and I got into their car and left. We were in the car for a little while. When we got out, we walked for a little bit and got onto this really long spaceship looking thingy. Mom said it was called a "train". I went for my first train ride today!

Was that the adventure? Nope. We stayed on the train for a little while. It stopped a lot. People got on and people got off. One time, it stopped and we got off. Mom said we had arrived. Where were we? We were at a very very big building. I had never seen a building that big before. Mom said we were at the circus. What is the circus?, I wondered to myself. Was this big box the circus?
We stood with a lot of people for a little bit and then we went inside the big building. There was so much going on in there!! There were lots of people, lots of lights, and lots of music! We walked down some steps and onto a big open floor that was crowded with lots of people. There were people there with funny looking faces. Mom said they were called "clowns". There were people doing funny tricks with their bodies. Mom said they were called "acrobats". There was so much to see!
Mom was very excited to be at this circus thing. She said she loves it! She said it was extra fun to be there with me. :)
We walked to another part of the big floor thing. There were some men playing with hats down there. There were some people doing acrobatty things. Then Mom flipped out. There was an elephant!! A real one!! Not a toy like Ella or a picture or a shirt! A real, live, ear-flapping, trunk-raising elephant!!! Her name was Kelly Ann (almost like Anna!!) and she was so smart! She did all kinds of things with her feet and her trunk and her head. Then she painted a picture!!! I asked Mom if I could have her. She would be a great addition to my room. Mom said that she would like to bring her home, but she wouldn't fit through our doors. Phooey.
When Kelly Ann was finished, we went and sat down. My Mom is so silly. Look at what she did to her nose!
It was so funny! Mom looks silly in a clown nose!! I took it away from her.
And put it on my nose!! Look at me! I'm a clown!!!
After we played with our noses, the music started and a man started talking and Mom said the circus was about to start. (I thought all of that other stuff was the circus, but I guess I was wrong.) We all stood up and sang a song about America. Another elephant came out carrying a flag! I watched the circus very carefully. There was a singing man that seemed to be in charge. Mom said he was the "Ringmaster". There was a big parade of stuff. Those acrobat people did some tricks. There were strong men and pretty ladies hanging from the ceiling doing tricks on bars and rings. There were men who came out and did fancy jumping tricks. I watched all of it! It was amazing!
Then they put a big cage in the middle of the floor. The cage filled up with tigers!!! Annas do not like tigers, so I decided it was a good time for a quick nap. :)
Mom said I missed the clown shenanigans. After my nap, there were ladies doing fancy tricks.
There were people doing stuff up in the air again. This time they were walking on a very little wire. Some little horses came out and ran around. I saw some animals called "llamas". One elephant came out with them and did some tricks on a tiny stool! The clowns came out again. They all came out of a little car!
A lot of elephants came out and did a lot of tricks! They stood up and rolled on the floor and sat on little stools. Those elephants are so talented!!
There was a very big surprise at the circus today! A baby elephant!! His name is Barack and he was born right before our President got to be the President. (That's why they have the same name.) I think the elephant is a lot cuter! Baby Barack came out with his mama, Bonnie. I really wanted to bring him home, but Mom said he wouldn't fit through our doors either. I think we need bigger doors.
Some more people came out and did fancy tricks. The singing man came back out and there was another big parade. There was so much to see!!!
After that big parade, the circus was over. Mom let me buy a stuffed Mama Elephant and Baby Elephant at the circus store. I'll call them Bonnie and Barack like the real elephants.
When the shopping was all finished, we walked to a restaurant for lunch. I was so tired. I took a nap there while Mom ate. After the people with teeth finished lunch, we rode the train back to the car!
This was such a wonderful adventure!! I'm so glad I got to go to the circus today!! Thanks Uncle Corey, Aunt Mere, Colin, and Brenna for letting Mom and me go with you! We had such a good time!
The circus really wore me out, so I'm going to head to bed now. For those of you keeping up with my eating habits, I had a new food today. Bananas. Yum. Good. I can't wait for more of those!!
Until tomorrow...May all your days be circus days!!! (That's what circus people say...)