When we arrived at Grandmom and Granddad's, Grandmother, Granddaddy, Granny Kat, Uncle Hoppy, Katie, and Bobby were already there. I played with Granddad while they got all of the stuff out of Mom's car.

I've never seen so much stuff in my whole life. There were presents EVERYWHERE. Presents under the tree, presents all over the floor. Presents in bags, presents in boxes, bags of lots of presents, boxes of presents. This one was sticking out of a box. I really wanted it. I tried to get it. But Mom said the tag said it was for Katie.

After Aunt Mere, Uncle Corey, Colin, and Brenna arrived, the people with teeth had their meal. There was as much food in the kitchen as there were presents in the other room! The people with teeth really seemed to enjoy their meal. I guess I'll have to wait until next Christmas to participate in that ritual.
After the meal, it was time for, as Katie called it, the "present ceremony". Katie is funny. Katie, Bobby, and Aunt Mere passed out all of the packages. It took a long time.
I got to open my packages first because I am the youngest. Granddaddy had to wait a LONG time. I really had fun opening presents. I was very interested in the paper, ribbons, and contents of the gifts. This is when I opened my new puppy, Violet. Grandmother and Granddaddy gave her to me. I'll talk about her more later.

All of the presents had pretty bows. I really liked playing with them.
I opened this singing seahorse from Aunt Nelle. Her tummy lights up. :)

I got a piano from Granny Kat and Uncle Hoppy. It's going to be fun to play with.
My Mom is a crazy person. She put one of the present bows on my head!!

It was kinda funny.
Mom gave me a Dumbo. I'm not being rude. That's his name. :) She sings a song to me all the time that she says is Dumbo's lullaby from his mommy. It's my favorite song.
I got this elephant from Grandmom and Granddad! Mom says when I get bigger, I can ride on him!!
I got SO many presents, I couldn't show you all of them. I got a neat zoo from Aunt Mere and Uncle Corey, a little piano from Brenna and Colin, a baby doll, lots of clothes, hats, some blocks, a Bible, a camera, and some other things from Grandmom and Granddad, some pajamas from Katie and Bobby, and a music center from Mom. She says she can make it play on our tv. I was getting a little bit tired by the end of my stack of gifts and a little bit fussy too. I am so lucky to have so many people who love me!
Before Brenna had opened her first present, I was asleep.
I'm not sure what everyone else got for Christmas. I'm sure they got great presents too. :)
Later in the evening, this white stuff started falling out of the sky. Mom was super excited. She said that the white stuff was called "snow". She said that she doesn't remember ever seeing snow on the day called Christmas. Grandmom told her that snow has fallen before, but has never stuck around. She was hopeful that it would stick this time so I could play in my first snow. :) Because it was snowing, Mom and I decided to stay at Grandmom and Granddad's house. Mom said she would rather be stuck with the Christmas leftovers than at our house with Santa's leftover cookies and macaroni and cheese.
After the snow excitement, I got to play with my new puppy, Violet. She knows my name and some of my favorite things. She sings and talks to me and even spells my name in a song! I really love playing with her!
The day called Christmas was a wonderful day! I had such a great time with my family and with all of my new presents!! Santa and family, if you're reading this, thank you so much for my presents!! Mom says that we get to have fun again on Tuesday because Uncle Brent, Aunt Deborah, Pete, and Helena are coming so that we can celebrate Christmas with them! I'm excited already! :)