This morning, Mom and I played and snuggled. It was super cold outside, so we stayed in! In the early afternoon, Mom got me ready and said we had to go. We went to see a doctor called a cardiologist. Mom said that's just a fancy word for a heart doctor. Dr. Shuler told me at my last appointment that I should go see this fancy doctor. Mom looked a little worried, but she told me it would be ok.
When we got there, this nice nurse took me (and Mom) to a room. She weighed me (12 pounds, 2 ounces) and measured me (24 inches). It seemed like a pretty normal visit to the doctor to me. And then things got weird. She put this little red light on a wire on my foot. She said something about checking my oxygen, whatever that means. Then she put ten little stickers all over my chest. She hooked a wire to each sticker. She said she had to do something called an "EKG". This machine printed a picture of all these squiggly, spiky lines. Um, ok. Then she moved the little light up wire on my foot and told the EKG thingy to make another picture. I was getting a little bit freaked out. It was weird. I had more wires on me than our Christmas tree! But then the little nurse said she was finished and she took all the wires off of me. Then she wrapped this thing around my arm and said something to Mom about "blood pressure". This was definitely not a regular doctor visit! After she was finished with the blood pressure thingy, she took all the little stickers off of me. It hurt and I cried. I do not want any more stickers on me ever!
After all of that, we went to another room to wait for the doctor. He came in and checked me out. He had a little spaceship thingy like Dr. Shuler's and he listened to my chest and my back. When he was finished, he told us that I have an innocent murmur called a Still's murmur. He said it sounds like someone plucking a guitar string. He said that it will not bother me at all and that I'll never notice it. It will most likely go away when I get bigger. He said it was nothing to worry about at all and that I just have a "musical heart."
Mom felt better after that. We thanked the nice doctor and left. Then, as if I hadn't suffered enough, Mom made me go to WalMart. Ugh. After WalMart, I slept for a long time. I'd had a rough day!
After my nap, I got some more good news! I'm famous! OK, maybe not, but I was on the news. Mom thought I might be, so she tuned in to the local news station. There I was! Right on the screen! Waving at the parade yesterday. See me?
I'm pretty sure this will be the start of my career in show business. The camera loves me! :)
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